And it shall be given unto you
Gift Aid Scheme is a tax incentive to encourage donations to Charities. It allows The Charity To claim a tax refund of 25p from the Inland Revenue for any £1 donation you have made to This Charity. Please note that you need to have paid an amount of tax equal to the tax Reclaimable on your donations. To participate in this scheme, the Inland Revenue would Require certain information, therefore, please fill in your full name and address, tick the Declaration below, sign and date accordingly. Thank you for participating in the scheme, God Bless you!
- You need to be a UK Tax payer to sign this Gift Aid declaration form.
- If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your incomeAnd capital gains equal to the tax the charity reclaims, you can cancel your declarationBy notifying the Charity.
- Please notify the church of any change to, your address while the declaration is still in Force.
- You can cancel the declaration at any time by notifying the church – it will then not Apply to donations you make on or after the date of cancellation or such later date as you Specify.
- If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further relief in your Self Assessment Tax return.
This declaration refers to all donations you are giving to the Church e.g. Tithe, Offering, Pledges, Building Fund etc. Your approval needs to be clearly stated on the envelopes Given to you or the tick boxes here online (payment means)
Gift Aid No.: XT22341
Office Use: REGISTERED CHARITY No. 1104336